
Wire transfer, bank transfer or credit transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or entity to another.

To get a wire transfer from us you should have a bank account on your or your company name. It could be any bank in your home country, in Europe or even online bank. We are usually sending transfers through SWIFT with OUR payment instructions, means that we pay the fees. It is very complex topic, so if you want to know more, please continue to Wikipedia - Wire transfer.

How Bank/Wire works with Valemedia

The wire is classic of classics. Usually, there are no problems with wire transfers/SWIFT payments but fees can be much higher compared to SEPA and sometimes bank can ask us questions like who and why we are sending to, which can result in delayed payments. Fees are higher because the transfer is international, it may be going through several banks (correspondence banks) and each bank can deduct a fee. Also currency conversion may apply too which usually costs 1-3%. However, when it is possible we are using TransferWise and sending you directly your local currency, where we are paying a little fee, but overall it is much cheaper and faster than using a wire transfer. You can check that yourself. To receive more money by avoiding these fees, there is an option for everyone to get a free account in multiple currencies - TransferWise borderless account . We are using them, we can recommend them, but the choice is yours. As the alternative to TransferWise, you can look at CurrencyFair . Their fees are pretty good too, but they do not offer as many services as TransferWise do.

Minimal amount Time to deliver Fees
Internal External Internal External
300 EUR NET-15 days Up to 5 business days 10 EUR + 0.00% Depends on your bank